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  • Sugar Reduction Reformulation Expert

Zydus Wellness Institute

Zydus wellness institute is an educational initiative by Zydus wellness focusing on nutrition science and innovation. The purpose is to support healthcare professionals and scientific community to explore cutting-edge innovations and stay updated with latest development, new research & insights in nutrition science.

News update

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The sweet debate: Stevia vs sugar- Which is healthier?

NDTV FOOD. March 21,2023
Nowadays there is high awareness among the consumers about the detrimental effect of excess sugar consumption. Due to this the use of sugar substitute has increased many folds and stevia is one of the popular plant based sugar substitute. Read further to know the advantages of Stevia over sugar.

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Health effects of the use of non-sugar sweeteners: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Published by WHO on 12th April, 2022
Non-sugar sweeteners are used as an ingredient in pre-packaged foods & beverage as well as used by the consumer directly as an alternative to sugars. Each of the non-sugar sweetener undergo extensive toxicological assessment like JECFA and other global authorities to establish the ADI. This systematic review brings together the most current scientific evidence on health effects of non-sugar sweetener use.

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EFSA reconfirms safety of Neohesperidine dihydrochalcone

Published 17 Nov, 2022
Recently, EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority) panel shared its scientific opinion, on request from the European Commission (EU) on re-evaluating its safety concern on the use of Neohesperidine dihydrochalcone (E 959).The panel thoroughly reviewed the animal studies related to genotoxicity, toxicity and carcinogenicity and also considered that lack of human data did not affect the overall confidence in the body of evidence. Therefore, the panel concluded that dietary exposure to this food additive at the reported uses and use levels does not raise a safety concern.

1. Which of the following is a zero calorie sweetener?


2. Non-nutritive sweeteners are found in:


3. Which of the following groups are of non-nutritive sweeteners:


4. Can you take non-nutritive sweeteners daily?


5. What is ADI for sweeteners stand for?


Question 1 of 5

October / 2024